Bridge church
In May 2023, the Amelon Missional Cabinet unanimously voted to become a part of the Virginia Conference initiative and cohort of churches seeking to offer those faithful to the UMC a place to live out their faith with no strings attached.
The initiative is called Bridge Church and here is how this works.
When a church is disaffiliated those individuals wishing to remain United Methodist membership records are transferred to the Virginia Conference. They are held there until the individual requests them to be moved to a new home church. In the meantime, as they are discerning a direction these members will be directed by the Annual Conference and District to a “Bridge Church.”
The "Bridge Church" becomes the in-between place where these members can experience all the aspects of being connected with the church without transferring membership. They can worship, study in small groups, be a part of women’s and men’s groups, etc., with no expectation or pressure to join the “Bridge Church.” They will receive pastoral care, and grace. If in time folks wish to transfer their membership into the “Bridge Church” they can or they can find another UMC church to affiliate with. The Bridge Church program is a lifejacket, a place for the hurt to come and reset. It touches this pastor's heart to know that Amelon UMC puts stock in being a true unified body of Christ and opens its doors to these poor souls seeking love and compassion.
-Pastor Dave Edinger
For more information on Bridge Churches go to: